The EAGERBEE backdoor may be related to the CoughingDown actor


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In our recent investigation into the EAGERBEE backdoor, we found that it was being deployed at ISPs and governmental entities in the Middle East. Our analysis uncovered new components used in these attacks, including a novel service injector designed to inject the backdoor into a running service. Additionally, we discovered previously undocumented components (plugins) deployed after the backdoor’s installation. These enabled a range of malicious activities such as deploying additional payloads, exploring file systems, executing command shells and more. The key plugins can be categorized in terms of their functionality into the following groups: Plugin Orchestrator, File System Manipulation, Remote Access Manager, Process Exploration, Network Connection Listing and Service Management.

In this blog, we provide a detailed analysis of the EAGERBEE backdoor’s capabilities, focusing on the service injector, Plugin Orchestrator module and associated plugins. We also explore potential connections of the EAGERBEE backdoor with the CoughingDown threat group.

Initial infection and spread

Unfortunately, the initial access vector used by the attackers remains unclear. However, we observed them executing commands to deploy the backdoor injector named “tsvipsrv.dll” along with the payload file ntusers0.dat, using the SessionEnv service to run the injector, as can be seen below.

Malware components

Service injector

The service injector targets the Themes service process. It first locates and opens the process, then allocates memory within it to write EAGERBEE backdoor bytes (stored in C:\users\public\ntusers0.dat) along with stub code bytes. The stub code is responsible for decompressing the backdoor bytes and injecting them into the service process memory.

To execute the stub code, the injector replaces the original service control handler with the address of the stub code in the service process memory. The stub is then triggered by sending a SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE control code to the service. After the stub completes its execution, the injector cleans up by removing the stub code from the service memory and restoring the original service control handler.

EAGERBEE backdoor

When we found the backdoor in the infected system, it was named
dllloader1x64.dll. It can create a mutex with the name
mstoolFtip32W if one doesn’t exist yet. After that, it starts collecting information from the system: the NetBIOS name of the local computer, OS information (major and minor version numbers, build number, platform identifier, and information about product suites and the latest service pack installed on the system), product type for the operating system on the local computer, processor architecture, and list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

The backdoor has an execution day and time check. It compares the current system day and hour to the hardcoded string
06:00:23;6:00:23;, where the numbers mean the following:

  • 0: start day of the week;
  • 6: end day of the week;
  • 00: start hour;
  • 23: end hour.

If the execution day and hour do not match, it sleeps for 15 seconds and checks again. In the cases we’ve seen, the backdoor is configured to run 24/7.

The backdoor configuration is either stored in C:\Users\Public\iconcache.mui or hardcoded within the binary. If stored in the file, the first byte serves as the XOR key to decode the remaining data. When hardcoded, the configuration is decoded using a single-byte XOR key (0x57). This configuration includes the command-and-control (C2) hostname and port.

The backdoor retrieves the proxy host and port information for the current user by reading the registry key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer. If proxy details are available, the backdoor connects through the proxy; otherwise it connects to the C2 server directly.

To establish communication, the backdoor creates a TCP socket capable of operating over both IPv4 and IPv6. If the C2 port has an “s” appended, an SSL session is initiated. Depending on the configuration, it may use the SCHANNEL security package, which supports SSL and TLS encryption on Windows. In this mode, it can validate server credentials (passive mode) or use local client credentials to prepare an outgoing token (active mode).

Once a connection is established, the backdoor transmits the previously collected victim-specific details to the C2 server. The server responds with a string followed by a payload known as the Plugin Orchestrator. If the response string matches a hardcoded value in the backdoor (unique to each sample), the backdoor retrieves the raw address of the first export method in the received payload and invokes it. Notably, at this stage, the payload (Plugin Orchestrator) is not yet mapped into memory.

Plugin Orchestrator

The payload downloaded by the EAGERBEE backdoor is a plugin orchestrator in the form of a DLL file with the internal name “ssss.dll” which exports a single method: “m”. As previously mentioned, EAGERBEE does not map the plugin orchestrator DLL directly into memory. Instead, it retrieves the raw address of the “m” export method and invokes it.

The “m” method of the plugin orchestrator DLL is responsible for injecting the orchestrator into memory and subsequently calling its entry point. In addition to the victim-specific data already collected, the plugin orchestrator gathers and reports to the C2 server the following additional information:

  • The NetBIOS name of the domain;
  • Current usage of physical and virtual memory;
  • System locale and time zone settings;
  • Windows character encoding;
  • The current process identifier;
  • Identifiers for any loaded plugins.

After transmitting this information, the plugin orchestrator also reports whether the current process has elevated privileges. It then collects details about all running processes on the system, including:

  • Process identifiers;
  • The number of execution threads started by each process;
  • The identifier of the parent process;
  • The fully qualified path of each process executable.

Once the information is sent, the plugin orchestrator waits for commands to execute. The following commands are supported:

Command Description
06 This command supports several sub-commands:

2: Receive and inject plugins into memory. There can be multiple plugins loaded one after another. Each plugin has an identifier.

3: Unload a specific plugin from memory, remove the plugin from the list, and free the plugin code bytes.

4: No operation.

5: Remove all plugins from the list and free the plugin code bytes.

07 and 09 Check if the plugin is loaded or not. If the plugin is loaded, then call the specified export method of the plugin. If the plugin is not loaded, then check if the plugin has been received, then load it, and call the specified export method. Otherwise, just make a plugin entry.


The plugins are DLL files and export three methods using ordinals. The plugin orchestrator first calls the exported method of the plugin with the ordinal number 3. This method is responsible for injecting the plugin DLL into memory. After that, the orchestrator calls the exported method of the plugin with the ordinal number 1, which is the
DllMain method. This method initializes the plugin with the required data structures. Finally, it calls the exported method of the plugin with the ordinal number 2. This method implements the functionality of the plugin.

All the plugins are responsible for receiving and executing commands from the orchestrator. Below, we provide brief descriptions of the analyzed plugins and the commands supported by each of them.

File Manager Plugin

This plugin performs a wide range of file system functions, including:

  • Listing drives, files and folders in the system;
  • Renaming, moving, copying and deleting files;
  • Setting ACLs to manage file and folder permissions;
  • Reading and writing files to and from the system;
  • Injecting additional payloads into memory.

The table below contains commands it accepts.

Command Description
  • Check and enable SeDebugPrivilege, SeBackupPrivilege, SeRestorePrivilege and SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege for the current process.
  • List files and folders at the specified path or at some of the following locations: DESKTOP, MYDOCUMENTS, RECYCLE.BIN, FAVORITES, STARTUP, RECENT, “C:\Windows\Prefetch” and the window credential manager storage folder.
  • Get information about USB storage devices that have been connected to the computer by querying the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR.
  • Get information about drives.
  • Delete multiple directories or files.
  • Create a directory at the specified location.
0x0A (10)
  • Rename an existing directory/file to a new directory/file.
0x0B (11)
  • Move or copy an existing directory/file to a new directory/file.
0x0C (12)
  • Move or copy multiple existing directories/files to new directories/files.
0xD (13)
  • Reflectively inject the received executable and DLL into memory.
0x0F (15)
  • Get a list of files and folders at a specified location recursively.
  • Read a file by dumping file sectors of the specified file directly from disk.
  • Write a file.
0x14 (20)
  • Launch the passed command line via the CreateProcessW API. The module can also launch the passed command line via CreateProcessAsUserW to run in the security context of the user represented by the token of specified process ID.
0x22 (34)
  • Adjust the security (DACL) for the user groups LOCAL SYSTEM, AUTHENTICATED USERS, DOMAIN ADMINISTRATOR and DOMAIN USER to grant access to specified file or directory.
0x23 (35)
  • Load a DLL at the specified path via LoadLibraryW.
0x24 (36)
  • Set the label of a file system volume.
0x26 (38)
  • Copy an existing file to a new file.
  • Change the existing and new file time parameters (last write time, last access time and creation time) to those of user32.dll.

Process Manager

This plugin manages process-related activities such as:

  • Listing running processes in the system;
  • Launching new modules and executing command lines;
  • Terminating existing processes.

It accepts four commands.

Command Description
0x10 (16)
  • Terminate the process with the specified process ID.
0x11 (17)
  • Run the passed command line via the CreateProcessW API. Process Manager can also launch the specified module via CreateProcessAsUserW to run in the security context of the user represented by the token of specified process ID.
0x1E (30)
  • Get information about the list of running processes in the system. The module also collects user accounts associated with the processes.
0x26 (38)

Remote Access Manager

This plugin facilitates and maintains remote connections, while also providing command shell access.

Command Description
0x0B (11)
  • Perform the operations below to enable and persist an RDP session:
    • Set remote desktop services to autostart.
    • Keep the Windows remote access service (RAS) session opened after logging off.
    • Enable remote desktop connections.
    • Enable concurrent (multiple) RDP sessions.
    • After performing the above settings, start the remote desktop service (TermService).
0x0D (13)
  • Download a file from the specified URL and write to the specified file path. Then start the remote desktop service (TermService).
0x1D (29)
  • Start the command shell (cmd.exe). The module can also run cmd.exe by injecting its code into the process C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe.
  • Read data from the command shell and send it to the C2 server.
0x1E (30)
  • If the command shell process is not running, then start the command shell (cmd.exe) and write the received command data from C2 to the command shell.
0x21 (33)
  • Terminate the thread to read the command output from the command shell console. Then terminate the command shell process.

The attackers launch the command shell by injecting
cmd.exe into the
DllHost.exe process. The commands below were seen executed by the threat actor:

Service Manager

This plugin manages system services, including installing, starting, stopping, deleting and listing them.

Command Description
0x11 (17)
  • Create Service entries. The module can create the following types of services:
    • SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS: shares a process with other services.
    • SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS: runs inside its own process.
0x12 (18)
  • Stop and delete the service.
0x13 (19)
0x14 (20)
0x1E (30)
  • Enumerate all services (active and inactive) to collect the following information about services: the service name, display name and service status information.

Network Manager

This plugin lists the network connections in the system.

Command Description
0x1E (30) Get information about the list of IPv4 and IPv6 TCP and UDP connections:

  • State
  • Local address
  • Local port
  • Remote address
  • Remote port
  • Owning PID


EAGERBEE was deployed in several organizations in East Asia. Two of these organizations were breached via the infamous ProxyLogon vulnerability (CVE-2021-26855) in Exchange servers, after which malicious webshells were uploaded and utilized to execute commands on the breached servers.

In May 2023, our telemetry indicated the execution of multiple commands to start and stop system services at one of the affected organizations in East Asia. The attackers abused the legitimate Windows services
SessionEnv to execute malicious DLLs:
wlbsctrl.dll and
TSVIPSrv.dll, respectively.

According to our telemetry, the DLLs loaded and executed by the services
SessionEnv are loaders in nature, loading the EAGERBEE backdoor into memory. Similar EAGERBEE loaders targeting Japanese organizations have been described by another security vendor. Examples of files loaded by these services are provided below.



The service MSDTC loaded and executed a DLL file named “
oci.dll”. By analyzing this file, we established that it was the CoughingDown Core Module.

We found several clues linking the EAGERBEE backdoor to the CoughingDown group:

  1. One of the aforementioned DLLs, oci.dll (MD5
    f96a47747205bf25511ad96c382b09e8), which is executed by abusing the legitimate MSDTC service, has a 25% match with CoughingDown samples according to the Kaspersky Threat Attribution Engine (KTAE). Analysis of the DLL reveals that it is a Core Module of multi-plugin malware developed by CoughingDown in late September 2020 and that there is indeed a significant code overlap (same RC4 key, same command numbers).
  2. This Core Module was configured to use the IP addresses 45.90.58[.]103 and 185.82.217[.]164 as its C2. The IP address 185.82.217[.]164 is known to be used as an EAGERBEE C2 as reported by other security vendors.


Malware frameworks continue to advance as threat actors develop increasingly sophisticated tools for malicious activities. Among these is EAGERBEE, a malware framework primarily designed to operate in memory. This memory-resident architecture enhances its stealth capabilities, helping it evade detection by traditional endpoint security solutions. EAGERBEE also obscures its command shell activities by injecting malicious code into legitimate processes, such as dllhost.exe, and executing it within the context of explorer.exe or the targeted user’s session. These tactics allow the malware to seamlessly integrate with normal system operations, making it significantly more challenging to identify and analyze.

In the East Asian EAGERBEE attacks, the organizations were penetrated via the ProxyLogon vulnerability. ProxyLogon remains a popular exploit method among attackers to gain unauthorized access to Exchange servers. Promptly patching this vulnerability is crucial to securing your network perimeter.

Because of the consistent creation of services on the same day via the same webshell to execute the EAGERBEE backdoor and the CoughingDown Core Module, and the C2 domain overlap between the EAGERBEE backdoor and the CoughingDown Core Module, we assess with medium confidence that the EAGERBEE backdoor is related to the CoughingDown threat group.

However, we have been unable to determine the initial infection vector or identify the group responsible for deploying the EAGERBEE backdoor in the Middle East.


Service Injector

EAGERBEE backdoor compressed file

EAGERBEE backdoor decompress

EAGERBEE backdoor decompress and fix

Plugin Orchestrator

Domains and IPs

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